Perthshire Scotland PH10 6JT
Social play, competitive play and coaching - for all ages & level
Welcome to Blairgowrie Tennis Club
The club has excellent facilities of 5 polymeric all weather floodlit courts.
The project took over 5 years from planning permission to completion. Through the sale of our old site and a substantial grant from Sports Scotland and smaller grants from Gannochy Trust, Robertson Trust and Perth and Kinross Council the club was close to raising the full sum to build the 5 courts. The final part of the jigsaw was completed by the LTA. Blairgowrie were the first club to be awarded a new funding round and received a grant and loan to allow building to start.
The next project is to build a new clubhouse. The club has money saved for the new building but requires additional funding to allow the club to be suitable size that will allow the club to hire out the clubroom to generate funds. The club has applied for funds but hasn't been successful yet.
The clubhouse will have a clubroom, kitchen and male and female changing rooms and toilets. The building will be fully disability compliant and have a terrace leading to the courts. In the interim until the clubhouse is built the club will continue using the Portacabin kindly loaned to us from Gordon Cater hire.
We are also raising money through people's online shopping through the website
Just go to the website and when you sign up enter that you are supporting Blairgowrie Tennis Club. If you go to the website first before you do any shopping online we will be given a donation. They also have a toolbar that can be added to your internet browser that will remind you that you can get a donation on certain sites.